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Jim’s Legal is delighted to introduce Tracy-Lynne Geysen

Jim’s Legal is delighted to introduce Tracy-Lynne Geysen as the newest addition to their team of legal experts. With a wealth of experience in family law, Tracy brings a unique blend of expertise and dedication to her role at Jim’s Legal.

Tracy has a distinguished career in family law, having served as a family lawyer for various law firms. In recent years, Tracy has directed her focus towards assisting clients in reaching amicable resolutions in family law matters. She emphasises the importance of minimising both financial and emotional strain for her clients, underscoring her commitment to easing the legal process during challenging times.

Tracy’s expertise is comprehensive and brings a breadth of experience across all facets of family law. From navigating complex parenting disputes to facilitating equitable property settlements and addressing matters of spousal maintenance and child support.

Notably, she has recently focused in representing children as an Independent Children’s Lawyer. This crucial role sees Tracy appointed by the court to advocate for children’s best interests, facilitating decisions that impact their welfare.

As part of our commitment to providing accessible legal services, Tracy, at Jim’s Legal offers complimentary 30-minute consultations for family law matters. This initiative underscores Tracy’s dedication to ensuring that individuals have the opportunity to seek expert guidance and support in navigating their legal challenges.

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