Franchising Matters


Given our close ties with Jim’s Group, Australia’s largest franchising family, Jim’s Legal is well-placed to assist our clients in relation to all franchising matters.

Franchising can be a great way to do business (trust us, we know!), but it comes with its own set of unique challenges. That’s where we come in.

When buying a franchise, you will receive a franchise agreement, a disclosure document and a full suite of other documents prescribed by the Franchising Code of Conduct. These documents can be lengthy and complex, so our team of professionals will carefully review and negotiate any necessary changes to ensure that the terms are fair and reasonable and you’re set up for success.

If you require services in relation to a franchise dispute, we can provide advice and representation to guide you through the process of negotiation, mediation and litigation. From start to finish, our team will work tirelessly to ensure your interests remain protected so you can feel confident moving forward with your business.  

Areas We Service

